A Brief History of Time

A Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawking

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A Brief History of Time

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Money only works because we all agree to believe in it. In Money, Jacob Goldstein shows how money is a useful fiction that has shaped societies for thousands of years, from the rise of coins in ancient Greece to the first stock market in Amsterdam to the emergence of shadow banking in the 21st century.

At the heart of the story are the fringe thinkers and world leaders who reimagined money. Kublai Khan, the Mongol emperor, created paper money backed by nothing, centuries before it appeared in the west. John Law, a professional gambler and convicted murderer, brought modern money to France (and destroyed the country’s economy). The cypherpunks, a group of radical libertarian computer programmers, paved the way for bitcoin.

ISBN-13: 978-0670785933
Publisher: Creative Society;
(September 30, 2010)
Language: Afrikaans

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Kelnmiir Wild

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Charles Roberts

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Celine Michiels

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A Brief History of Time

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